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To the Power of…

Regardless of whether you like math or hate it, the term “to the power of”; that we use to denote an exponent (like 26 for example) is very accurate in describing what it does.

Perhaps you have heard the example of asking someone if they would rather have one million dollars or $1 doubled every day for 30 days. If you choose the latter, you would have $1 on the first day, $2 on the second day ($3 total), and so on. Your first week would provide $64 on the 7th day for a whopping total of $127 for the week. That may seem small, but on the 30th day, you would receive $536,870,912 and your total income would be over a billion dollars!

For those of you who attended our banquet back in September, you witnessed the power of exponentials at work. The one-on-one discipleship/mentoring that APM uses produces men of character who often pass on their training to others. These in turn mentor others. It starts with 2 people, those 2 produce 4, those 4 produce 8, and so on. APM will celebrate 25 years in 2008, and it started with one person.

Our guest speaker for the banquet, Jerry Dash, told of his experience 25 years ago of being reached by a prison ministry. Jerry now heads up a ministry of his own providing support and mentoring to the children of prisoners.

The person who reached Jerry all those years ago probably has no idea of the impact he has had. That one-on-one attention that Jerry received is now being multiplied thousands of times over. Children who statistically are very much “at risk”; to become prisoners are instead being reached and given hope.

If you have ever thought that a little bit doesn't matter much, remember the power of exponentials. Here is one more true story to keep in mind. Two young men showed up a special church service several years ago and found the church packed. They were about to give up and leave when an usher took notice of them. The usher went out of his way to find them a seat. Both of those young men became Christians as a direct result of that church service. One of those young men was Billy Graham.

Taken from the Fall/Winter Newsletter, November 2007


Potential New APM Volunteer Shares His Experience

Good Morning Leon,

The Holy Spirit at work! I had a great time Wednesday night. Jake and Elroy made me feel welcome and at home, as did the brothers in the program. The job that these two guys do is just terrific and meeting both of them has already been a great blessing. The sincerity and depth of the men that they minister to is testimony to their own faith and dedication to Jesus, and I'm just delighted to know them. I sat at a table with three men who were at different points in their walk with the Lord, and complimented each other beautifully.

The One to One discipling program is really effective, especially in the way that it was employed by Doug, the man that lead our small group. We covered one page of the text and it opened us up to nearly an hour and a half of meaningful Christian conversation and teaching. I'm going to have to study and work to keep up with these guys, so the potential for my own spiritual growth is just tremendous. It seems clear to me at this point that this is where God wants me, and I can't wait for next Wednesday night to roll around. Longer term, I'm excited as to where the Holy Spirit is going to take all of us.

The following subject came up at our table Wednesday night. Conway, a black brother, had asked for prayer to sustain him in the face of the pressure he faces from the Nation of Islam movement within the prison. He had a confrontation with a man who tried to lure him into violence, and which he was able diffuse and still stand his ground as a Christian. I was proud of him for this and told him so.

We talked about how though we are all one in Christ, there are challenges like this that our black and Latino brothers face that we white brothers don't. It is important for us to be one in Jesus and make sure that we support each other, and stand together in solidarity for the Lord; we pray for those who persecute any and all of us, and for each other.

I had run into this kind of thing before at St. Louis (especially in Level IV) but this was the first time I'd encountered it at Mid-Michigan. Probably because the subject just never came up. This is a delicate area and clearly something that isn't going to go away. To stand for Jesus is to stand for peace and to stand for peace is to stand for Jesus. Prison is a fascinating place—a police state under Marshall Law and a microcosm of our own future tribulation.

The men that God is raising up in prison, and that we are given the privilege of training, will be the leaders that will take the Church through the grand finale of the end times. What I've seen of Alpha Prison Ministries so far tells me that we can be comforted in knowing that we will be in good hands. I am awed and humbled, and I praise God for the opportunity to come aboard and serve in any small way that I can.


Taken from the Fall/Winter Newsletter, November 2007

2009 UPDATE: Phil did become a volunteer and wrote us another letter published in 2009.


Nine Eleven

We have long had September as our month for the annual banquet to honor those who support us and provide the opportunity to learn more about the effect you are having when you support APM. It also serves to inspire more support as we invite everyone who will join us to discover the work we do at APM.

For six years now, September also marks the month that permanently changed our country. As we all witness the aftermath together, we can clearly see that the devil is still “the god of this age,” spreading lies and confusion to mask what is really going on. The media is so controlled by this “god” that it is obvious he wants to destroy this country just as much as the radical Islam he is also controlling.

Fortunately, we as Christians have a reliable network of information due to the fact that it is guided by an understanding of the only real source of truth, the Bible. If we renew our minds, we can have a clear understanding of what the stakes really are, just as God has appointed some of His followers who have understanding to share with us what they know.

Many years ago, Perry Stone had some ideas on end times prophecy that did not fit well with traditional interpretations. He essentially predicted many of the events now taking place in the Middle East, even Iraq itself. His ideas have now been vindicated.

He's not the only one either. Joel C. Rosenberg has been writing fiction books using his understanding of the Bible and current events. His writings have been fairly prophetic with uncanny resemblances to reality before key events even happened. Prior to the attacks on September 11, 2001, he wrote The Last Jihad, a novel which even predicted the war in Iraq.

We have informed you of this before, but it is worth repeating; we are not the only ones doing prison ministry. Radical Islamics are also trying to recruit in US prisons. They want to use the social rejection many inmates face as a tool for their own agenda. Through your support of this ministry, you are also fighting a spiritual battle. The devil hates America and wants to destroy it. Thank you for helping us on one of the battlefields.

Taken from the Fall Newsletter, September 2007


A Real and Living Sacrifice
A letter and gift we received from an inmate

Dear Leon,

How are you, sir? I pray all is well with all of the activities you have going on this summer.

I wanted to thank you again for taking the time out of your busy schedule to come and share God's Word with us all here. It is always a blessing to see you.

God has been so good to me. He allows me to study His Word daily and share Christ Jesus with others. Even when I'm tutoring at the school, I express God's love toward the people I teach. I need to allow Jesus' light to shine through me, and I need to be a living sacrifice unto God (Romans 12:1-2).

Well, Leon, I know it's not much, but if I can help in any way, I will. Here is $5.00 to do with whatever is needed for Alpha Prison Ministries. I hope in the future I will be able to help out more, and I'm sure I will be able to.

My prayers are with you, your family, and all of Alpha Prison Ministries. May God's grace, joy, and peace be with you always.

Christian love,

Editor's Note: As you read the letter above, take time to reflect on the words written, and the fact that this was at one time a soul without hope. Also, the $5.00 gift would not be much to us, but to a prisoner, that is a significant amount of money.

Taken from the Fall Newsletter, September 2007


Just Say “NO!” To Fear

As our state and country both face the largest prison population in history, the added woes of budget problems in Michigan bring a dilemma our state did not need. Locking up prisoners costs the taxpayers a lot of money. Letting them go free has a lot of people even more concerned.

Let's face it, politicians are ill equipped to provide answers. Since so-called reforms were initiated in the 1990's, prison populations have grown bigger, and so has the need for funding. More people are being locked up, but many are incarcerated for non-violent offenses. Now the State of Michigan wants to release over 5000 of these inmates to help trim the budget.

The public concern is understandable. Detroit neighborhoods where many of these parolees would be located are already battling high crime rates, low employment availability, and large numbers of taxpayers leaving the state. These parolees would be entering a situation where their odds of success are very much against them. If they can't find work and housing, they could easily turn to crime.

West Michigan fares better than other areas of the state. Our economy, though not perfect, is stronger. A big advantage we have is our people of faith. We do not need to accept the curse of a bad economy when we serve a God who wants to bless us.

We also have the answers to these problems. Jesus Christ is the only one who can change the heart of any person. He can transform a murderer into a messenger of life. He can take the person who was a thief, and change them into a generous giver.

Your support of this ministry helps alleviate a serious problem. You may not receive much recognition in this world for your efforts, but we thank God for you. There will come a day when the Lord himself will proclaim your deeds for all to know. You will get to hear those words, “Well done!”

While so many around you is saying how bad things are, your giving means you can proclaim the promise of Phil. 4:19, “And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.”

Taken from the Summer Newsletter, July 2007


Peace and Confidence of a Prisoner

David's testimony published in July 2007 can be read in full here…


Set Free In Prison
A recent letter we received from an inmate

Thank you so much!

I am learning to trust God more and more as time goes on, yet I couldn't help but worry a little about being able to return to my home after parole.

Again, I see how God is in control. He knew I was headed to prison and he knew it was for my good. It really is what saved me from my own self.

Being here, I have learned not to let what others think or feel about me bother me like it did in my past. I have learned to let go and let God be my Comforter, and not seek out comfort by reverting to my old behavior, or seeking my comfort and acceptance through others.

I have been able now to look back and see how truly messed up I was, and how wrong I was in many, many ways with my old thinking. I have no one to blame but myself for being here. Yet, as I said, and as strange as it may sound, prison has saved my life and my soul. I am a much stronger person than I was before I came to prison.

Leon, I want to thank you and all the volunteers for your love for those of us in prison. I can't wait for the day I can spend some time with you when I get out. God willing, that will be in June 2008. Please pray that it will come to be as I face the parole board, and that I will not lose faith.

God's love and mine,

Taken from the Summer Newsletter, July 2007


How Alpha Helps Residents

We want to again share feedback from Alpha House residents on how the residency and mentoring has helped them after being released from prison. Below are some responses to questions which are important to gauge the success of our efforts.

Alpha has helped me spiritually in the following ways:

Alpha has shared Christian values and ideals in a way that was easy to understand, so I could grow, mature, and fellowship in a real life changing way. Alpha has helped me feel closer to Jesus and serve God with greater love for him and the blessings he has given me. I truly feel that Alpha gave me the foundation to genuinely serve God humbly and openly.
Spiritual guidance, accountability, and direction has been the biggest benefit from being here at Alpha House. The discipleship program is interesting and has challenged me to dig deeper into God's Word and then show ways how to apply what I've learned into my daily life.

Alpha has helped me socially in the following ways:

By providing a community of Christians that support, care for, and encourage each other to transition back into society in the best possible way. Alpha has given me direction, acceptance, knowledge, fellowship, encouragement, and best of all, Leon, whom I consider a true friend. Each day, I looked forward to new ways I could serve God and share His Word.
Alpha House provides a safe, controlled environment for social interaction with other guys that can understand and provide positive or negative feedback on situations and struggles that they can relate to. Alpha offers us hope that we, as ex-prisoners, can establish and maintain healthy friendships and become productive members of society.

Alpha has helped me financially in the following ways:

By providing a place to live at an affordable rate so I could get my feet back on the ground. Also by guiding me toward services and organizations that offer food and clothing to jump start a job search. By encouragement and direction both monetarily and emotionally to manage both money and my own growth toward independence.
Alpha House provided me with the financial guidance and accountability that I needed. I had never had a savings account or thought it was important, but through Leon's guidance and advice, I have been able to save enough money to pay the deposit and first month's rent, and still have money left over. Now I know how important it is to put money aside regularly.

Additional comments:

Alpha kept me accountable to myself and to God. I don't know if I could have made this transition on my own, but I am sure that my life would have been much more difficult. Thank you Alpha. I am a better person from having known you and will continue the path you have shared with me.
For people that have never been in prison or had to deal with the struggles that we felons face trying to reenter society, you don't understand how important a place like Alpha House can be. One of the biggest problems for felons when they try to reenter society is the loss of hope, or the feeling of helplessness. Alpha provides us with hope and a helping hand when it seems everyone else has turned their backs on us. Alpha House gives us hope and confidence, mixed with spiritual growth.

Taken from the Spring/Summer Newsletter, May 2007


We Are Number One!

This milestone of becoming number one is now a reality, but it's nothing to be proud of. The United States now leads the world in the number of people it has in prison. We now surpass both Russia and China, countries whose populations far exceed our own.

The US only has about 5% or so of the world's population, yet we have 25% of the entire number of incarcerated people. Whoa, wait, stop, read that again; yes, let those numbers sink in, and don't just glaze over them as your read! We imprison about 7 times more citizens per capita than most countries on the Earth.

Our social attitude of “lock them up and throw away the key” isn't working. The “tough on crime” mentality is good for getting political votes, and it makes Americans feel safer even if it is false sense of security, but in practice, it has been a miserable failure. Since our prison population now exceeds two million, it is also very expensive.

It would be easy to get discouraged. We live in a culture that wants to hide these people from view, hoping the problem will just go away if we can keep it out of sight and out of mind. Our society is focused on terrorism and the war, so this problem doesn't get the attention it deserves.

As irony would have it, this hidden problem is also a breeding ground for more terrorism. Extremists are recruiting in prisons. These prisoners already have animosity toward society for locking them up and discarding them, so they are prime targets to be recruited as terrorists.

As a supporter of prison ministry, you are having more impact than you probably realize at solving this problem. You are telling prisoners that they still have value and they are not forgotten. You are combating the lies that would lead them to become terrorists. Our prayer is that more people will be like you and choose to take action. Thank you for reaching out and caring.

Taken from the Winter Newsletter, January 2007


Committed To Memory
A recent letter we received from an inmate

I have bean meaning to write this letter for a while and let you know that the work you started in me went beyond what I ever thought I could do. Monty will remember the problem he had with getting me to memorize. Well, he would he amazed now! He must have been praying for old Alpha students because I felt so bad about not being able to memorize the 66 books of the Bible.

Well, I started with them again. Once I got those memorized, I went on and added the 12 Disciples, 13 if you count Mathias (Acts 1:26), and then kept going. Recently I added the 12 tribes of Israel (13 if you count Ephraim). As a foundation also, I decided I needed to know all the commandments, and then memorized them in order, plus Christ's commandments (Matthew 13 34-36; Matthew 22: 37—40). I can sit down at a blank piece of paper and write out where they are found verbatim now in order!

And I also have been working on Scriptures (Galatians 2:20; 1 Corinthians 5:17 and 15:21; Philippians 3:13 and 4:13; Genesis 1:1 and 1:26; Romans 5:19; and Luke 21:36). I also memorized The Parable of the Sower (Matthew 13:3-9) and I am almost done with the 23rd Psalm.

I can recite all 66 books in order with 100% accuracy, the Disciples and the Tribes, 100%, also the Parable of the Mustard Seed, and of the Yeast! I have been doing studies on my own and received, as a gift, a New King James large print Bible. I read every day from the Old and New Testaments and try to work on my memorization. The memorization takes maintenance!

Also, I have been going through the New Creations Bible Study program, receiving the Daily Bread, reading the daily devotional and Scripture reading for the day, and made up a bookmark that has the Ten Commandments, 12 disciples, and other things on it. Deborah at New Creations put this on a computer and is printing it in color, and I should be getting that soon.

I just wanted you to know that what was started at Alpha only made me more determined. I learn slow, but once I learn, I retain pretty well. I guess I never tried hard enough to push myself before to memorize.

I trust and pray that Alpha Prison Ministries, you, and Monty are well. Please give everyone my best regards.


Taken from the Winter Newsletter, January 2007


Inside Out
The Basis for Biblical Ministry

The Lord works from the inside out. The world works from the outside in. The world would take people out of the slums. Jesus takes the slums out of the people, and then they take themselves out of the slums. The world would mold men by changing their environment. Christ changes men, who then change their environment. The world would shape human behavior, but Christ can change human nature.
Ezra Taft Benson

What is Man?

It has been said that man is the only animal who laughs, the only one who weeps, the only one who prays, the only one who walks fully erect, the only one who makes fires, the only one who can invent, the only one with a written language, the only one who is proud, the only one who can make progress, the only one who guides his own destiny, the only one who is penitent, and the only one who needs to be.
David Elton Trueblood

Taken from the Winter Newsletter, January 2007


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